Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Lid Lift Levy Passes...

Thanks to all Spokane citizens who voted for this proposition. We appreciate the support. You've just kept a fire station or two from closing. This is a first step in restoring a level of service in your libraries, fire department and police that you deserve as residents of a thriving city.

And for us firefighters, we need to take a look at the numbers. This proposition didn't quite get 60% of the vote. In other words, if this were the EMS Levy, it would have failed. And that's after a lot of campaigning on our parts.

We have two years to show the citizens that we are on their side - that Local 29 is an organization they can trust. As the city prospers, we face a deficit. Why is that? We've got the numbers that show it's not because of an increase in wages and benefits. Where is the money going? Let's join other city employees, elected officials and citizens in finding out.

There are all sorts of opportunities Local 29 can use as advocates of helping Spokane citizens realize their ownership of the fire department. I think it would create stronger bonds between us and the voters, create a long-term vision for the fire dept, ensure accountability in management and help our image - a lot.

We've got two years. We still have a lot of guys laid off. We still are understaffed. We still are going to lose buildings to fires that we wouldn't have lost a year ago. Some of our EMS outcomes are still going to be unsuccessful because of understaffing.

We've got two years, and we can't waste a second getting started.

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