Tuesday, June 28, 2005

From Chief Williams regarding the phones...


I talked to Garv this morning after the Cabinet meeting about your email. He assures me that they continue to dedicate City IMS resources to try to figure out what is going on that is causing this problem. They have involved Cisco (the phone manufacturer) as well as the providers of the phone lines. They are having daily conference calls among all of the players to try to solve this issue.

As a reminder, the red phone in the station is available if folks need to make calls rather than using their cell phones. These phone should be working since they are outside of the network (no one has reported that they have had problems with the red phones).

This situation is frustrating for everyone but I can assure you that it is a priority for our IMS folks who are in regular contact with the City IMS personnel. Garv has promised that this is the top priority for his department and it will remain that way until it is resolved.


Bobby Williams

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