Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Communities starting to crack down on frivolous 9-1-1 calls!

Recently we had a third-party cell phone call for a lady slumped over the wheel at a bank drive-through. Turns out she was waiting for the bank to open, and she wasn't paying attention to her posture. Ah scoliosis, the silent killer.

Looks like we're not the only ones who get 9-1-1 calls simply because it's free to call on a cell phone. Other places are realizing what it's costing them and doing something about it.

I would really like the opportunity to call the cell phone callers back. Not to be a jerk, but just to let them know that their reporting a lady waiting at a bank / a bag of leaves on a lawn / a water sprinkler/ a flag flying in the breeze/ lawn art/ a walking drunk man / a billboard advertisement/ a guy napping/ a baby upchucking/ a woman breastfeeding/ a stuck pair of suspenders/ circus clowns eating lunch/ not a chupacabra/ fog/ a skunk - set this diesel-exhaust-spewing 9-1-1 machine in motion. I wonder if some people do this because they think it is funny.

Maybe there should be a law that if you call 9-1-1, you have to stay on-scene until we get there. Maybe we should charge 25 cents per call - a small price to pay if it truly is an emergency. The money could go into our fuel account.

The silliness has to stop. And it looks like other places are figuring out ways to do just that.

If there are truly terrorists at work trying to bankrupt our cities and our nation, I would think that using a cell phone to dial 9-1-1 for frivolous reasons is an effective way to accomplish their mission of economic havoc. Perhaps there is some homeland security money we can procure to stop them.

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