Thursday, November 05, 2009

If you want to see how they voted for the Fire Bond....

Here is a link to individual precinct counts.

And here's the precinct map.

Once you download the map, you will have to zoom in to see the precinct numbers.


Anonymous said...

Bill, why do you think the bond failed?

Bill Foss said...

Hmmm, Good question.

First, I have to point out that it is a bizarre democracy that says when 59.5% of voters say "yes," it is not enough.40.5% being considered a "majority" boggles the mind. 59.5% would be considered a landslide in an election.

Think about it, if Tim Eyman wants to cut tax revenue, all it takes is 50% plus one. If citizens want to increase tax revenue, it takes 60% plus one. This is unfair, undemocratic and unAmerican, me thinks.

I think the bond might have "failed" (again did it really "fail" when an overwhelming majority wanted it) because a minority of people don't see the need with their own two eyes. We're no longer driving around in beat up old fire engines. Our stations aren't tenements.

Again, 6 out of 10 get it. That's pretty good - but not good enough when you need a "super majority."

The EMS levy is, on the other hand, pretty cut and dried when it comes around. If it doesn't pass, we close a bunch of stations.

Engine 3 is the busiest fire engine in the state and other Spokane rigs are right on the heels of 3s. We are a busy city and as Gary Crooks pointed out the other day, citizens get a big bang for their buck. This is a levy that has extreme consequences.

I think Chief Williams is right on the money for concentrating efforts on the EMS levy now.

But, why do you think the bond failed?