Sunday, October 25, 2009


Brian Chavez for Executive Board

When I decided to run for the E-Board I asked myself the same question that I expect to hear from each one of you. Why do I want to be on the E-Board?

The answer to this question can be found in the Constitution and By-Laws of Local 29, Article 2 titled objectives. It states that one of the objectives of this local shall be "the cultivation of friendship and fellowship among its members". I believe we have lost sight of this and we have let personal agendas and intolerance for diverse opinions divide and even alienate the members of this local. You have members of this local who are ostracized because they are vocal about their opinions and what they feel is a lack of any true representation. This is absolutely unacceptable. You cannot have accountable leaders who are not willing to listen to all

I believe in equal, fair, non-preferential treatment of all members. I value diverse opinions and I am an advocate of open honest discussion of relevant issues without fear of retribution. As an E-Board member my job will be to represent you, and to be your advocate. The only way to do this is by open communication. I will accomplish this by actually going out and talking with the members. I realize that this is promised by everyone at election time but seldom acted upon. Its time for a change and I promise that I will represent all of you to the best of my abilities.

Thanks for your consideration,

Brian Chavez

Cell 991-2450

1 comment:

Bill Foss said...
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